Sunday, January 6, 2013

Snow is falling.

Happy New Years!

AH! Once again, I am back in Buffalo. I started my year off right with the personal promise to be more organized, and motivated. I promise no matter how busy life gets that I will still jaunt down some inspirational words to my readers.

A year at a glance...

2012 was a great one. There had been so much change in my life from 2010- 2012 that I really was not sure I could take that much more. That being said, it lead me to where I am right now. Defining 2012, could be summed up in a year of change. I learnt that the most important friend is myself, and that people will surprise you. Some people have coldness in their heart and will try to bring you down. I learned to forgive and let go. Friends will come and go, but true friends are always there. I got into my masters and nearly lost my mind from sleepless nights. I spent time with my family, and my new love. I learned the validity of 'we accept the love we think we desserve'. I vouched never to settle for less than I deserve ever again, and to be confident in who I am and what I want. I loved and lost. I loved and won. The most important thing that happened in 2012 was that I accepted who I am and I learned how to be happy. 

To all my readers, please never change who you are. If someone does not appreciate your being than it is time to part ways. We are each as unique as the snow falling from the sky. Love yourself the most, but be kind to those you meet.


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