Monday, May 14, 2012

[Soon it will all be over, buried with our past We used to play outside when we were young.]

I have accepted my offer of admissions into Buffalo State College, NY taking my masters in Speech Language Pathology. Who would have thunk it. This little chi-ca moving to the big city, from a small Northern town. Not I. I look forward to the challenges, friendships, and of course adventure that comes with this decision. All big changes cause may feelings of and emotions. There has been some loss on my journey from following a dream that I have spent many years working towards. I lost a part of my heart, but time heals all wounds. I will persevere, and love again.

I plan to use this blog as my personal way to update those dear to me. I hope to inspire some to follow their own dreams and create their own adventures. Consider this the start to many wonderful words that have been written by moi. I want to paint a picture with my words of the next chapter of my life, where I hope to share bits and pieces of my adventure with those I hold dear to my heart.

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself."-Unknown