Monday, July 2, 2012

Round Here We Talk Like Lions, And Act Like Lambs

Once in a while you have to step out of your skin and be someone you don't even recognize. Get completely out of the comfort zone, and start growing. As someone who over-thinks basically every situation, and forgets to participate in her own life it can be said that just diving in can be dangerous. Don't think, just go with it. 

We are going to make mistakes, and make a complete fool of ourselves. Trust me, I have done it. The great thing is when you look back and realize how much it taught you. In advance, my apologies go out to those who have played in my life lessons. Making mistakes is part of life, and if you hurt someone let them know you are genuinely sorry. Every person comes into your life to teach you something. Their purpose and role might be brief,  but it has value to who you are about to become. For those who have played a role in my life, many thanks.

Life is messy, and you are going to get hurt. This doesn't mean you can stop loving, or stop life. You have to continue to get back up, and no matter how people treat you, always kill with kindness. How people treat you is their karma, but how you treat them is yours. 

And loves, don't forget to forgive. Holding resentment inside only ends up hurting you. Let go, and love again.