Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Every Summer Has A Story

Plans that I had created long before the arrival of the warm summer months had eroded long before spring had a chance to bloom. People, possibilities, and ideas that I believed in had been left in the seasons that had gone previous. He left nothing more than a defiant memory of clouded thoughts, and a sore spot that would eventually heal. 

Though the newly formed buds had some frost on their petals it was visible that some very special flowers were about to bloom. Once it was decided that I would return to school, some wonderful friends came to my aide and reminded me of the old, but true melody sung by the Beatles "I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends'. My ladies definitely gave more than a little help. They encouraged the wine and treats. They reminded me of the love I deserved. They cooked me unreal dishes, and watched numerous old heroines, which ultimately satisfied the old soul. They gave me excuses to find fountains in the park, to have picnics under ancient trees, but most importantly to laugh until it hurts. 

My friends gave me the best season of my life, and filled my heart with love. This would not have been possible if my plans had returned in the spring as expected. It was indescribably, and unpredictably wonderful.

It was a spring of exploration both in triumph and in tears. There were whispers shared in the night with strangers that left before the frost had time to melt. Like a spring rain storm it had moments that began with a drizzle, and ended in a thunderous storm. No matter how treacherous the storm the beautiful rainbows always came to the aide and were a continuous reminder of life's balance and beauty.

While out galavanting the town minutes before midnight there stood a young gentleman whom the Mademoiselle had forgotten. In a moment where frost covered her heart with loaded words, and disappointing expectations that's when summer arrived and covered her heart with warmth, sunshine and most importantly hope. 

It started innocent enough. The occasional hand hold was shared to remind each other that they were not alone.  They shared their love of cooking, books, and story telling. They found adventures and parties to attend. They walked along a candlelit path to the melody of their voices where they shared a kiss. The kiss remained sacred and unexplored for long after it was shared. With each sunset that passed through the summer sky they continued to share more memories.

Then, one day it felt like a spark hitting birch bark creating a mid summers' night fire. Once the spark hit the bark it was impossible to deny the instant connection that was felt by two hearts. A rare connection that few are lucky enough to ever feel. 

But the Mademoiselle realized that the summer would end, and perhaps so would the mid summer fire. She struggled to enjoy every moment of summer when remembering it would soon be over. She would be leaving in fall to start a new adventure of her own, thereby leaving the gentleman behind. 

Each night of summer was getting cooler, which meant time was running out. Autumn was around the corner, and was more evident with each passing morning. Even though the brisk weather was felt in their hearts, it remained unspoken as the afternoons still had much warmth left. Finally, days before the first frost the inevitable had to be discussed. What would happen once fall arrived? Would there be a winter? These were the questions that had burned the Mademoiselle in the past due to unruly storms, and plans that were forgotten with the seasons. 

The young gentleman was thrilled at the thought of encouraging the Mademoiselle to fulfill her dreams, and he would wait patiently for her to return to him. Just like the spring that waits each year for the winter to pass, so would he. He would wait with anticipation for warmer days to arrive, even though none before had succeeded. 

He realized the path he choose was a difficult one, and therefore would remain true to his words so the Mademoiselle could finish what she started. He hoped it would lead to an indian summer once she was returned. 

And so, as summer ends, autumn will live on. To past lovers it must be said that their season ended for new seasons to bloom. The Mademoiselle will miss her beautiful friends as she sets off on a new adventure, but like the morning of each day she knows that they will always be there when the night is dark. On dark nights when they feel that there is not a star in the sky, they must remember that she is their star and she will always be there no matter how lonesome the nights may seem. 

As for the gentleman, well, he will continue to wait, and anticipate her return. Even though winter is long and cold he knows that spring will return once again. Perhaps he will follow her and show her he is different than the rest, or perhaps it was a seasonal love affair where only enchanting memories will be remembered of a love once shared. 

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